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Serviced Apartments

Stay with Comfort atBarkar Apartments

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Why ChooseBarkar Apartments

A wide selection of apartments for every taste and budget. Suitable for both families and individual travelers

Regular Cleaning Included

Regular cleaning is done every 4 days, with towels and bed linens changed.

Flexible Check-In Time

Upon request, we can check you in earlier, if available, and at no extra cost. (Assuming the accommodation is vacant and cleaning is completed)

Quality Bed Linens

Pleasant bed linens made of high-quality stripe satin. No cheap synthetic materials.

Special Monthly Rates

When choosing a period longer than 28 days, the system will automatically offer you the best rates based on special monthly prices.

Our MissionYour Comfort Above All

The advantage you get when renting apartments from us is constant communication with us. Whatever happens, we can help you solve any issue at any time. We offer a wide range of rental options to suit every taste and budget, from small studios to properties with a terrace pool and sea view.

Bedding with Laundry Service

By collaborating with Kims dry cleaning, we guarantee always clean bed linens and towels. We refresh the linens every 6 months.

Experienced Housekeepers

Our cleaning staff are experienced and attentive professionals. With a large number of apartments and regular cleaning practice, the quality always remains high.
Why barkar apartments 4

In every apartmentHypnocasa Melograno

Elite perfumery in every apartment, which creates a pleasant atmosphere of coziness and comfort even when you are far away from home.

4.83 of 5 based on 800+ reviews

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9.22 of 10 based on 500+ reviews


Find answers to common questions asked during booking or stay
For check-in, one of the following documents is required: Foreign or domestic passport, driver's license, for military personnel - travel warrant
No worries, you will have a new set of keys within half an hour.
Payment for accommodation is made in advance or upon check-in.
The total accommodation amount is specified during booking. No additional payments are required.
Photo Six PearlSix PearlPhoto Gagarin PlazaGagarin PlazaPhoto 36th Pearl36th PearlPhoto Deribasovska 10Deribasovska 10Photo GolfStreamGolfStreamPhoto Seven PearlSeven PearlPhoto Second PearlSecond PearlPhoto Eight PearlEight PearlPhoto Elegia ParkElegia ParkPhoto Deribasovska 13Deribasovska 13Photo Photo ArkadiaArkadiaPhoto City CenterCity CenterPhoto Barkar ArCadia ApartmentsBarkar ArCadia ApartmentsPhoto SeaSide Barkar ApartmentsSeaSide Barkar ApartmentsPhoto Plaza Arcadia ApartmentsPlaza Arcadia ApartmentsPhoto RainBow Arkadia ApartmentRainBow Arkadia ApartmentPhoto Central Barkar ApartmentsCentral Barkar ApartmentsPhoto Elegia Arkadia ApartmentsElegia Arkadia Apartments
Haharinske platoa, 5/2, office 267, Odessa, Odesska oblast, Ukraine, 65000
+38 063 7801222
+38 063 7801222
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2013 - 2025